May Birthdays

May 3rd-  Happy Birthday T-MAN! Today,I know all of Heaven is celebrating you and your life.  I wish I could tell you how proud I am to call you my cousin. You were my buddy!  This world just isn’t the same since you left us and went home.  I know you are in a much better place now.  I stand amazed at how much closer we’re getting to seeing you and Pawpaw again. It won’t be like this for long.  Today is your day! I can only imagine the joy you have now.  I love you always!


May 9th-Happy Birthday Jami!  Today is your day sis. We hope it’s all you wish for.  Thanks for being you.  Thanks for always listening when I am stressed about certain things. I will always cherish your advice.  Thanks for always taking care of our puppies while we’re away.  They love their Nay!  We love you Girlie!


May 17th -Happy Birthday Uncle Mark!  I wish you a very happy and special birthday. Thanks for loving me unconditionally.  Thanks for showing me what a dad is supposed to be and for setting standards for our family that make us who we are today. I love you!

May 25th-Happy Birthday Franki Rae! You are a very special, unique young lady. Stay just the way you are. Thanks for always being a positive “Rae”of sunshine.

May 29th-Happy Birthday Scottie! Hope you enjoy your day. Thanks for always taking care of my momma!

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