August Birthdays

August 1st- Happy Birthday Timothy! Gosh, can’t believe you’re another year older.  Have a fun day today!  We love you!


August 3rd- Happy Birthday John Mark! There’s so much I could say, but I’ll just say I love you! Thanks for being you!  Our special entertainer and life of the party. You always know just what to say! I’m proud to call you my cousin, so glad I had you to grow up with :)  Hope this day is all you wish for!  Love Always, Jess


August 8th-Happy Birthday Kristi! We won’t talk about our age, I’m just glad we’re young at heart :)  Hope you have a special day.


August 9th- Happy Birthday Blaine!  We wish you all the things of your dreams, you deserve them.  Thanks for always sticking with us and being there no matter what.  That song “You find out Who your friends are” that’s so true about you.  We are so happy to call you are friend, our family!  Michelle and Lake scored a great treasure!  We love y’all!


August 27th-  Happy Birthday Michael! a.k.a. Lil Man :)  You are the sweetest little boy!  I love you so much.  It makes me sad how fast you are growing up.  I remember the day you were born like it was yesterday.  I hope you know how much your family loves you and will always be here for you.  You are Gammie’s pride and joy!  We love you always!

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New Boat

Billy and I  are proud owners of new pontoon boat.  We are looking forward to spending the rest of our summer boating, tubing, fishing and spending time with family and friends.  We are debating if we can still pull off wake boarding.  Ha Ha!

We spent last weekend on the Reservoir with friends.  It was very relaxing and we enjoyed much needed sunshine. Everyone had fun playing with cutie pie, Lake. The water gun was a hit too.  Lake wanted to hunt alligators.  All I can say is “Choot em, Choot em gatas”  We love watching “Swamp People”. Can you tell?

 We docked and ate lunch at Cock of the Walk, fed the ducks and even found a few baby ducklings that were loving granola and cornbread. 🙂

We loaded up just in time to miss the evening showers.  After doing a little shopping at Bass Pro and enjoying some fried gator, we headed home.  Lots of fun in the sun and playing in the water had most of us snoozing really good on the way back home.

We are blessed with wonderful people in our lives.

Bring on the Good Times!

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First outing-The Reservoir




















Too much fun!

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Wanna take a ride…


On the new boat!!!
I sure do.

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My sweet husband sent me these beautiful flowers just because. He really knows how to make my day. He always makes me feel so special.  I love you Baby!  I know I don’t deserve all the blessings I receive. I am so blessed in all aspects of life. Thank you Lord!

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