After we lost Eugene on Christmas day, we were lost without him. So on New Year’s Eve, Billy found Levi in the MS Market Bulletin. After a few phone conversations, he was in route to pick up our new puppy. I wasn’t thrilled about the idea of a new puppy, especially a Chihuahua, but I learned to love him dearly.  Levi can never fill Eugene’s shoes, but he is a joy and keeps us on our toes.
Levi helped us heal a wound, he keeps the memory of Eugene alive today.  For him we are grateful.
Levi enjoys keeping all the dogs in line. He is the one prancing around like he owns the place. If the truck door is open, he is in it, and good luck getting him out. Levi isn’t fond of fireworks, guns or any loud noises for that matter. That is Eugene coming out in him. If the occasional dog or visitor comes along, Levi knows about it first. Nothing gets past him. He is a built in security system. He can outrun any of the dogs, and never gets tired. When you meet Levi, you’re in for a treat.