April Birthdays

April 3rd-  Happy Birthday Uncle
Tony! Hope you enjoy your day and it’s as “sweet” as you are. I love you!

April 8th- Happy Birthday Aunt Michelle! I’m excited about our big birthday lunch.  Can’t wait for all us to get together.  Thanks for being such a great aunt and a wonderful mother to my sweet cousins.  Have a great day! I love you.

April 10th- Happy Birthday to my baby brother, Michael! It makes me sad, how old we’re getting.  I remember our childhood like it was just yesterday.  I hope your birthday is everything you wish for.  I love you very much!

April 28th-Happy Birthday John Peyton! I love how excited you get about the smallest things. I love buying your birthday gifts because I can’t wait to see your beautiful eyes light up. We are so lucky to have you,you keep us going! We love you!

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